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Forum moderator: JonNny  
Magic the Gathering TD
Does this concept fit into a maze ?
1. Yes it would fit to a maze [ 4 ] [100.00%]
2. Nope , its to complex - better a normal TD [ 0 ] [0.00%]
3. I dont like the cooncept at all [ 0 ] [0.00%]
Answers total: 4
JonNnyDate: Sunday, 2008-07-27, 5:14 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 50
Reputation: 6
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Yes i know that i got some current Projects... but i got bored and Snake TD gets a little break xD
I have some ideas i like for a Tower Defense in the Magic the Gathering style (it has no relation to the existing MtG maps)


I am going to create 5 Armour and Attack typed for the Towers and Waves (colors of the Cardgame) ->Mountain(Red) , Island(Blue) , Forest(Green) , Plains(White) and Swamps(Black)
Im not sure now how much damage each type will deal to the other color but i will decide it while balancing

The main new part of this Tower defense which makes it special are the resources. You will gain "Gold"(or something similar) for completing waves and for killing the mobs but its not directly usable for Towers. Im going to make it similar to the cardgame that towers cost e.g. 3 mountain ans 1 forest or something. each player has the 5 lands which create the resource for each player. At the beginning each player will gain +1 of each per round but these buildings will be upgradeable that they will grant more each round ( 5 , 10 and so on each round) .. means that the player can decide which elements he want to gain and also has to plan ahead to get enought strenght of each color. Of course there will be an option to "buy" these resources but only if you really need them.

Thats the basic idea i am going to build in my Tower defense.
What do you think of the idea?
Which name should i Choose? (theres already a MtG TD)
Should i make a maze or a normal TD ?

But my main probem is that i dont know which kind of Towr defense i am going to create... i wanted to create a maze but im not sure if it isnt to complex for it ... ( options are if i should create t a bit like Elemental TD or more like Artifact TD)

Darkt3mpl3rDate: Sunday, 2008-07-27, 5:28 PM | Message # 2
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My Towers/Attack-/Armortypes are based of Magic the Gathering style in Core TD ... gotta' get some new attacktypes now -.-

JonNnyDate: Sunday, 2008-07-27, 5:44 PM | Message # 3
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lol , two mapmaker - same idea
i didnt know that you are going to make it this way too

anyway , no steal - just a bit bad luck but i think both Tower defenses wont trouble each other
also they are not the first using exactly these things ^^

I am also going to create a new way of building Towers -
The Builder will not be able to "build" any towers , he will have 5 items in his inventory with the spellbook ability containing 5 abilities which build the Towers (the abilities of the 5 human items which allow to build sth).
that forces me to not use gold costs (mana costs would be possible) but i have to use a custom system anyway cuz of my 5 resources .
It tested it if it works and i does fine (the only disadvantage is that i cannot create more than 5 abilities for ne spellboook but there are 5 items which will get 2 different levels which means i could make up to 2*5*5=50 base Towers )

Darkt3mpl3rDate: Sunday, 2008-07-27, 5:46 PM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
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np, we'll manage + we can share ideas :>

HankyDate: Monday, 2008-07-28, 3:09 AM | Message # 5
Lieutenant colonel
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Well how I said in the chat JonNny I would like the maze style ;).

Made by Smoe reworked by GiR aka Darkt3mpl3r
FireeyeDate: Monday, 2008-07-28, 11:18 PM | Message # 6
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Sounds nice, but i personally suggest implementing the MTG rules as much as possible, e.g. Mana Burn or the need to tap a land to gain its mana.
Just some ideas, but it would make the td definetly unique.

JonNnyDate: Monday, 2008-07-28, 11:45 PM | Message # 7
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I thought of making it as real as possible too but e.g. the Magic Land system would disable all opportunities to save resources (e.g. for a expensive Tower)

But i will implent some abilities which exist in magic too
for example :
The "Tramp" ability , (will deal some damage through the armor ignoring the armoutype)
some "-walk" abilities , Forestwalk will deal extradamage to green and so on...
the haste ability will gain a chance per attack to ignore the cooldown and attack twice (Frostarror Orb)

And the Lands will get some abilitys to cast which cost some resources too (like the spellcards , e.g. Firebold which deals damage and could be used to prevent some leaks)

Im going to look for some magic cards checking their abilities and implenting some more things... but not yet

JonNnyDate: Tuesday, 2008-07-29, 2:44 PM | Message # 8
Group: Moderators
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DAMN! !!
This stupid warcraft drives me crazy..
My system does not work as thought because the different build abilities interupt eachother even if they are in different spellbooks...
would mean that i could only use 5 of these abilities atall and not 25 as expected...

I see one chance to get this fixed if i remove the other items when the summoner opens a spellbook and recreate them when he closes it (then the different items could not trouble eachother)
I think i try it with GetIssuedOrderId()

Edit: Rofl , thx blizz . everything has an Order ID , moving items in the inventory or whatever . BUT opeing a spellboock does not have an ID ! --.--
I guess then i would have to make the items castable that they add these Build abilities to the caster..

FireeyeDate: Tuesday, 2008-07-29, 5:01 PM | Message # 9
Group: Moderators
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I propably got a solution, but it have some drawbacks.
You could use dummy channelings (why channelings? cause you can change the order string).
Detect when it is casted, create a dummy unit, give it the corresponding building ability and order it to build the building.
However the drawback is, you don't have any building preview.
Can't think about a different solution at the moment, maybe i will post another solution later.

Offtopic: Yeah, Blizzard fucked quite some a abilities.

JonNnyDate: Tuesday, 2008-07-29, 7:23 PM | Message # 10
Group: Moderators
Messages: 50
Reputation: 6
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Yes i thought of using some dummy abilities and place (or build) the building on the target position but in my opinion the disadvantage that you do not see the building as a preview is to big ... in a normal TD is would be ok but its necessary for a maze where you have to plan your building positions.. imagine building a really expensve tower on the wrong position messing up your whole structure of building :S then you would have to destroy it or chance your plans

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