Well after some performance tests I thought about a way to improve the CostumInterface System. The only good way I found was to use simple textmacro. Well this is now more like a little template which can be only used for motions that use structs. < Pros >
- good Performance (much better than the CostumInterface)
- very easy to use
- save some time and also you don't have to write those stuff yourself
< System Code >
//! textmacro CostumMotion takes type,run,end,periodic
static timer loopExe=CreateTimer()
static integer size =0
static $type$ array runStruct
boolean active
boolean paused
static method loopRun takes nothing returns nothing
local integer index=0
exitwhen index==$type$.size
if not $type$.runStruct[index].paused then
if $type$.runStruct[index].active then
call $type$.runStruct[index].$run$()
set index=index+1
call $type$.runStruct[index].$end$()
set $type$.size=$type$.size-1
set $type$.runStruct[index]=$type$.runStruct[$type$.size]
set index=index+1
if $type$.size==0 then
call PauseTimer($type$.loopExe)
static method addMotion takes $type$ data returns integer
if $type$.size==0 then
call TimerStart($type$.loopExe,$periodic$,true,function $type$.loopRun)
set $type$.runStruct[$type$.size] =data
set $type$.runStruct[$type$.size].active=true
set $type$.runStruct[$type$.size].paused=false
set $type$.size =$type$.size+1
return $type$.size
//! endtextmacro
< How to use? >
Well it's pretty easy to use the system. First you need to create a struct with two methods. One of these methods is for the motion and the other method is for the destruction of the struct.
struct exampleStuff
method motion takes nothing returns nothing
method endmotion takes nothing returns nothing
//! runtextmacro CostumMotion("exampleStuff","motion","endmotion","0.03")
The first parameter of the textmacro you have to enter the struct name. In the second parameter the name of the motion method should be added and the name of the end/desruction method should be entered in the third parameter. In the last parameter just enter the periodic time, in this example it would be "0.03".
call exampleStuff.addMotion(struct)
With this function you can add a struct to the motion. Just enter in the parameter the struct.
set whatever.active=true //this is default after you have added a function to the loop
set whatever.active=false //this end the loop and execute endmotion
set whatever.paused=true //this pause the execution of this struct but don't destory it
set whatever.paused=false //this enable again the periodic execution
These functions are still the same. I currently got no example map for this but I'll add this template to my spellpack, so you can look how you could use the template.