This is a old function I found in a map from me, maybe it can be usefull for you. The function check if something is in a field however the shape of the object is. With the function you can for example prove if a unit is in a triangle or if a unit is in a hexagon or whatever. Note the function is just 2D not 3D. There's the vJass code:
library Field initializer init
private constant integer max=5 //Enter the number of the corners
private real array FieldX
private real array FieldY
function FieldInside takes real x,real y returns boolean
local integer i = 0
local integer j = max
local boolean hit = false
exitwhen i > max
if (FieldY[i] < y and FieldY[j] >= y) or (FieldY[j] < y and FieldY[i] >= y) then
if (FieldX[i]+(y-FieldY[i])/(FieldY[j]-FieldY[i])*(FieldX[j]-FieldX[i]) < x) then
set hit=not hit
set j = i
set i = i + 1
return hit
// In the init function enter the corners of the object.
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set FieldX[0]=- 113.8
set FieldX[1]=- 367.8
set FieldX[2]=- 391.2
set FieldX[3]=- 70.9
set FieldX[4]= 330.0
set FieldX[5]= 396.9
set FieldY[0]= 245.2
set FieldY[1]= 72.6
set FieldY[2]=- 287.1
set FieldY[3]=- 434.6
set FieldY[4]=- 318.4
set FieldY[5]= 55.2
If you don't like vJass I also have a normal Jass code in the example map.