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Little problem.
FireeyeDate: Sunday, 2009-02-15, 11:12 PM | Message # 16
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
14. a static method call would look like : StructName.MethodName() while a method name looks this way variable.MethodName()
So basically a static method is a method call without the need to have any variable of that kind.

15. that's due to the difference between static method and method.
When i use static method i don't have any reference to the struct so i've to allocate one to use it.
But with method i call it with a reference to a struct, therefore i can use the "." syntax it's basically the same as if i would write "dat." inside the calling function

16. the function .allocate() is the "REAL" creation function of a struct, other than .create() you can NOT call it outside the struct.

17. they're already "private" due the fact they're in a private struct, if i would make them private i wouln't be able to reference to them outside the struct.

18.In this case yes, they're the caster, the target, the damage/sec, the time left and the effect attached to the target unit.

But i guess you're still misunderstanding the concept of MUI, MUI doesn't just mean all datas are local in more likely means you store an information save from being overwritten till you don't need it anymore.

TheCheeseLoverDate: Sunday, 2009-02-15, 11:31 PM | Message # 17
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Yes, I still misunderstanding. I need more exemples for understand tongue

I am a visual boy. cool

19: Why do we write some times: ''dat.''.

20: Can you give me an exemple of when you call the caster and other variables in OnCast.


Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D
FireeyeDate: Monday, 2009-02-16, 1:20 AM | Message # 18
Group: Moderators
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Status: Offline
19. We use dat. for methods or variables inside a struct, we need the dat. to know what struct you want to access.
However INSIDE a method we don't need it anymore cause we're calling the method for the struct variable dat

20. I call them in the example i wrote with .create(), it basically is just a simple function call, you could also write it this way (remove the create method).
In the OnCast you only assign all needed values for callback.

       function  OnCast takes nothing returns nothing                  
             local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()                 
             //Spell code (assigned values directly in the create function)
             set dat.caster = GetTriggerUnit()
             set = GetSpellTargetUnit()
             set dat.dps = 150.00 + 50.00 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),'A000')
             set dat.TimeLeft = 2 + .5 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),'A000')
             set dat.TargetEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Doom\\DoomTarget.mdl",GetSpellTargetUnit(),"origin")   
             //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot                  
             set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat                  
             set struct_init = struct_init + 1        
             //Starting Callback Timer
             if struct_init == 1 then                  
                 call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)                  

I basically use methods to make code more readable and clear.

Message edited by Fireeye - Monday, 2009-02-16, 1:21 AM
TheCheeseLoverDate: Monday, 2009-02-16, 2:43 AM | Message # 19
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

thanks! I will make spell with this. I think i will have some questions too.

We need to celebrate this with a little gift!

HMM! reputation? Yea reputation! So I added you a little gift. You will never know what it is!

NOOOOO!!!! Sorry I can't add you more reputation. sad angry

It's said: You already increased his reputation.

Added (2009-02-16, 2:43 Am)
Hi again!

21: Why do you put .0 and not 0.00 for a real? Exemple: real dps = .0

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Monday, 2009-02-16, 2:40 AM
FireeyeDate: Monday, 2009-02-16, 2:57 AM | Message # 20
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
21. doesn't matter due it's the same, but less to type ^^

TheCheeseLoverDate: Tuesday, 2009-02-17, 4:12 AM | Message # 21
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Status: Offline

22: What does it mean the '' return d '' ?

library WhatEverSpell initializer Init                    
           private struct WhatEverStruct                    
               //all struct variables     
               unit caster = null     
               unit target = null     
               real dps = .0     
               real TimeLeft = .0     
               effect TargetEffect = null     
               //Create functions     
               static method create takes nothing returns WhatEverStruct     
                   local WhatEverStruct d = WhatEverStruct.allocate()     
                   set d.caster = GetTriggerUnit()     
                   set = GetSpellTargetUnit()     
                   set d.dps = 150.00 + 50.00 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),'A000')     
                   set d.TimeLeft = 2 + .5 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),'A000')     
                   set d.TargetEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Doom\\DoomTarget.mdl",,"origin")     
                   return d     

23: Can you explain me what is a global please and do we need to call it?

24: How can we know OnDestroy will affect wich methode?

25: What is different between those library: library intializer Init, library Nothing.

26: How can we call a OnDestroy methode?

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Tuesday, 2009-02-17, 5:16 AM
FireeyeDate: Tuesday, 2009-02-17, 1:48 PM | Message # 22
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
22. When you use the .create() method of a struct, you need to return a variable of that kind, in this case it is "local WhatEverStruct d"

23. Globals are variables which can be called from any function and not just the function declaring a value for it.

24. Manuals, no really MANUALS. There are quite some nice things in the Jass Helper Manual. You'll find e.g. the OnDestroy method there.

25. The extension "intializer " let you declare a function within the library you want to be executed when the maps loads, so basically it's like making a new trigger in the editor and modify it, but with this way you don't need to create new triggers. You basically could put all things into the map header even though the overview would get lost.

26. The method OnDestroy is called when you use the command .destroy() on a struct variable.

Message edited by Fireeye - Tuesday, 2009-02-17, 1:49 PM
TheCheeseLoverDate: Friday, 2009-03-06, 1:05 AM | Message # 23
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Hi again!

I don't know why but I am getting an error because I am putting dat. before a variables. And I need the dat..

It's said: dat is not of a type that allows . syntax

    private function knockback takes nothing returns nothing
         if > 100 then
         call PauseTimer(   
        call DoNothing()
         call SetUnitPositionLoc(, PolarProjectionBJ(, 5.00, ( AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(, GetUnitLoc(dat.caster)) - 180.00 )) )
         set = + 1
     private function  WindWave takes nothing returns nothing                  
             local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()   
             //Spell code (assigned values directly in the create function)   
           set = GetSpellTargetUnit()
     set = null
             call TimerStart(tt, 0.03, TRUE, function knockback)
             //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot                  
             set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat                  
             set struct_init = struct_init + 1        
             //Starting Callback Timer   
             if struct_init == 1 then                  
                 call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)                  
         fu nction Trig_WIND_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean                 
             return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000'              

         private function Init takes nothing returns nothing                  
             //Whatever init function                  
             local trigger tr = CreateTrigger(  )                 
             call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tr, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )                 
             call TriggerAddCondition(tr, Condition( function Trig_WIND_Conditions ) )                 
             call TriggerAddAction(tr, function WindWave)                 

Can you help me plz?

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Friday, 2009-03-06, 1:10 AM
FireeyeDate: Sunday, 2009-03-08, 10:39 PM | Message # 24
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
You didn't declare any struct with the name dat in that function, also you don't need the
         call DoNothing()

part, DoNothing() is propably the most useless function ever made by Blizzard, you'll never need it due it has no usage.
Furthermore you're leaking 3 locations in this function.

TheCheeseLoverDate: Friday, 2009-03-13, 4:24 AM | Message # 25
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Thanks! smile

The leaks are not a problem because this is just a test.

   private function knockback takes nothing returns nothing
    local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()
        if > 100 then
        call PauseTimer(  
        call SetUnitPositionLoc(, PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(, 5.00, ( AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(, GetUnitLoc(dat.caster)) - 180.00 )) )
        set = + 1

Do I need to allocate it like this?: local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()

Added (2009-03-13, 4:24 Am)

scope WhatEverSpell initializer Init                 
        private struct WhatEverStruct                 
            //all struct variables  
            unit caster    = null  
            unit target    = null
            string dummy   = null
            group picked   = null
            group gdum     = null
            real tr        = .0  
            real TimeLeft = 0.00
            string effect1 = null
            timer tt       = null
            //Create functions  
            static method create takes nothing returns WhatEverStruct  
                local WhatEverStruct d = WhatEverStruct.allocate()  
                set d.caster   = GetTriggerUnit()  
                set   = GetSpellTargetUnit()  
                set       = 0.00
                set d.TimeLeft = 2 + 0.50 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),'A000')
                set d.effect1  = null
                set       = CreateTimer()
                return d  
            //Destroy function  
            method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing  
                set .effect1  = null  
                set .caster   = null  
                set .target   = null  
                set .tr       = .0   
            //Struct array for storage                 
            private WhatEverStruct array GlobalStruct                 
            //Integer for max used Array slot                 
            private integer struct_init = 0                
            //Callback Timer                 
            private timer CallbackTimer = CreateTimer()

        private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing                 
            local WhatEverStruct dat                 
            local integer i = 0                 
            //Looping through all structs                 
                exitwhen i == struct_init                 
                //Setting global struct to local for preventing OP Limit Hit                 
                set dat = GlobalStruct[i]                 
                if dat.TimeLeft < .03 then       
                    //Destroying struct if wanted                 
                    call dat.destroy()                
                    //Decreasing max slot and switch structs                 
                    set struct_init = struct_init - 1                 
                    set GlobalStruct[i] = GlobalStruct[struct_init]                 
                    //Doing all actions if you don't want to destroy the struct  
                    set dat.TimeLeft = dat.TimeLeft - .03  
                    //Checking for next struct                 
                    set i = i + 1                 
            //Checking if any struct is assigned  
            if struct_init == 0 then                 
                call PauseTimer(CallbackTimer)                 

     private function knockback takes nothing returns nothing
    local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()
        if > 100 then
        call PauseTimer(  
        call SetUnitPositionLoc(, PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(, 5.00, ( AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(, GetUnitLoc(dat.caster)) - 180.00 )) )
        set = + 1
    private function  WindWave takes nothing returns nothing                 
            local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()  
            //Spell code (assigned values directly in the create function)  
          set = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    set = 0.00
            call TimerStart(, 0.03, TRUE, function knockback)
            //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot                 
            set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat                 
            set struct_init = struct_init + 1       
            //Starting Callback Timer  
            if struct_init == 1 then                 
                call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)                 
        function Trig_WIND_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean                
            return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000'             

        private function Init takes nothing returns nothing                 
            //Whatever init function                 
            local trigger tr = CreateTrigger(  )                
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tr, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )                
            call TriggerAddCondition(tr, Condition( function Trig_WIND_Conditions ) )                
            call TriggerAddAction(tr, function WindWave)                

Does the variable dat.TimeLeft is the max time of the trigger?

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Tuesday, 2009-03-10, 4:01 AM
FireeyeDate: Wednesday, 2009-03-18, 3:50 PM | Message # 26
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Why the "hell" do you create another timer, when you could do ALL instances in the callback function i provided?
Just insert your code directly after
                exitwhen i == struct_init                  
                 //Setting global struct to local for preventing OP Limit Hit                  
                 set dat = GlobalStruct[i]

and you're fine.
for the duration of the knockback, you can easily use the TimeLeft variable provided in the struct...

TheCheeseLoverDate: Thursday, 2009-03-19, 2:50 AM | Message # 27
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
First, the other timer is for my test. smile

Now I am confuse, do I need to write my code after what you said or in this function:

private function  WindWave takes nothing returns nothing                  
             local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()   
             //Spell code (assigned values directly in the create function)   
           set = GetSpellTargetUnit()  
     set = 0.00  
             call TimerStart(, 0.03, TRUE, function knockback)  
             //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot                  
             set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat                  
             set struct_init = struct_init + 1        
             //Starting Callback Timer   
             if struct_init == 1 then                  
                 call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)                  

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D
FireeyeDate: Thursday, 2009-03-19, 3:28 PM | Message # 28
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
scope WhatEverSpell initializer Init
     private struct WhatEverStruct
         //all struct variables
         unit caster    = null
         unit target    = null
         real TimeLeft = 0.00
         real angle = .0
         //Create functions
         static method create takes nothing returns WhatEverStruct
             local WhatEverStruct d = WhatEverStruct.allocate()
             set d.caster   = GetTriggerUnit()
             set   = GetSpellTargetUnit()
             set d.angle = Atan2(GetUnitY(,GetUnitX(
             set d.TimeLeft = 3
             return d
         //Destroy function
         method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
             set .caster   = null
             set .target   = null

         //Struct array for storage
         private WhatEverStruct array GlobalStruct
         //Integer for max used Array slot
         private integer struct_init = 0
         //Callback Timer
         private timer CallbackTimer = CreateTimer()
         //Bound check
         private real MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
         private real MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
         private real MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
         private real MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)

     private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
         local WhatEverStruct dat
         local integer i = 0
         local real x = .0
         local real y = .0
         //Looping through all structs
             exitwhen i == struct_init
             //Setting global struct to local for preventing OP Limit Hit
             set dat = GlobalStruct[i]
             if dat.TimeLeft < .03 then
                 //Destroying struct if wanted
                 call dat.destroy()
                 //Decreasing max slot and switch structs
                 set struct_init = struct_init - 1
                 set GlobalStruct[i] = GlobalStruct[struct_init]
                 //Doing all actions if you don't want to destroy the struct
                 set dat.TimeLeft = dat.TimeLeft - .03
                 //Spell code
                 set x = GetUnitX(
                 set y = GetUnitY(
                 if x > MinX and x < MaxX and y > MinY and y < MaxY then
                     call SetUnitX(,x+5*Cos(dat.angle))
                     call SetUnitY(,y+5*Sin(dat.angle))
                 //Checking for next struct
                 set i = i + 1
         //Checking if any struct is assigned
         if struct_init == 0 then
             call PauseTimer(CallbackTimer)
     private function  WindWave takes nothing returns nothing
             local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()
             //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot
             set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat
             set struct_init = struct_init + 1
             //Starting Callback Timer
             if struct_init == 1 then
                 call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)

     private function WIND_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
         return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000'

     private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
         //Whatever init function
         local trigger tr = CreateTrigger()
         call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tr,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
         call TriggerAddCondition(tr,Condition(function WIND_Conditions))
         call TriggerAddAction(tr,function WindWave)

Message edited by Fireeye - Thursday, 2009-03-19, 3:32 PM
TheCheeseLoverDate: Saturday, 2009-03-28, 2:05 PM | Message # 29
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Lol, I am posting from the school.

Added (2009-03-28, 2:05 Pm)

UnitDamageTarget             takes unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType returns boolean

1:What means the boolean attack and the boolean ranged?


scope Telekinesis initializer Init

    private function Trig_Telekinesis_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
     if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000' ) ) then
         return false
     return true

      private struct Telekinesis  
          //all struct variables  
          unit caster    = null  
          unit target    = null  
          real TimeLeft = 0.00  
          real angle = .0  
          //Create functions  
          static method create takes nothing returns WhatEverStruct  
              local Telekinesis d = Telekinesis.allocate()  
              set d.caster   = GetTriggerUnit()  
              set   = GetSpellTargetUnit()  
              set d.angle = Atan2(GetUnitY(,GetUnitX(  
              set d.TimeLeft = 3  
              return d  
          //Destroy function  
          method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing  
              set .caster   = null  
              set .target   = null  

          //Struct array for storage  
          private Telekinesis array GlobalStruct  
          //Integer for max used Array slot  
          private integer struct_init = 0  
          //Callback Timer  
          private timer CallbackTimer = CreateTimer()  
          //Bound check  
          private real MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)  
          private real MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)  
          private real MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)  
          private real MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)  

      private function Trig_Telekinesis_Actions takes nothing returns nothing  
          local Telekinesis dat  
          local integer i = 0  
          local real x = .0  
          local real y = .0  
          //Looping through all structs  
              exitwhen i == struct_init  
              //Setting global struct to local for preventing OP Limit Hit  
              set dat = GlobalStruct[i]  
              if dat.TimeLeft < .03 then  
                  //Destroying struct if wanted  
                  call dat.destroy()  
                  //Decreasing max slot and switch structs  
                  set struct_init = struct_init - 1  
                  set GlobalStruct[i] = GlobalStruct[struct_init]  
                  //Doing all actions if you don't want to destroy the struct  
                  set dat.TimeLeft = dat.TimeLeft - .03  
                  //Spell code  
                  set x = GetUnitX(  
                  set y = GetUnitY(  
                  if x > MinX and x < MaxX and y > MinY and y < MaxY then  
                      call SetUnitX(,x+5*Cos(dat.angle))  
                      call SetUnitY(,y+5*Sin(dat.angle))  
                  //Checking for next struct  
                  set i = i + 1  
          //Checking if any struct is assigned  
          if struct_init == 0 then  
              call PauseTimer(CallbackTimer)  

  private function InitTrig_Telekinesis takes nothing returns nothing
     set gg_trg_Telekinesis = CreateTrigger(  )
     call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Telekinesis, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
     call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Telekinesis, Condition( function Trig_Telekinesis_Conditions ) )
     call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Telekinesis, function Trig_Telekinesis_Actions )

I don't know why the endscope can not find the scope.

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Saturday, 2009-03-28, 3:00 PM
FireeyeDate: Friday, 2009-04-03, 0:33 AM | Message # 30
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
1. When you set the boolean attack to true, it will be counted as attack (victim may attack source), however if the target is out of sight and ranged is false, the target will not attack the source, due the fact it won't have sight.
In short: attack == Count as attack, ranged == Provides sight to target unit

2. No idea, found only 1 error, rename "private function InitTrig_Telekinesis takes nothing returns nothing " into "private function Init takes nothing returns nothing" to fix it.


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