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Forum moderator: JonNny, Hanky  
??? Text macro ???
TheCheeseLoverDate: Sunday, 2009-02-08, 3:29 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Status: Offline

I am making a spell and I want to make it MUI. So I though I need text macro! But the problem is: I don't know how to use text macro. sad

Can some one help me plz? angel

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D
FireeyeDate: Sunday, 2009-02-08, 7:30 PM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Textmacros aren't required to make a Spell MUI.
They're mainly used to create several functions with a similiar actions without c'n'p + rewritting them.
To make a Spell MUI you need either an Attachment System or using structs + global array.

TheCheeseLoverDate: Sunday, 2009-02-08, 10:09 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Status: Offline
Me + ( structs + global array) = hein???

Can you teach me structs and globals please? biggrin


Added (2009-02-08, 10:09 Pm)

1: When I am making some globals, i can't test my map. ( I have JassNewGenPack. )

2: I imported a system ( with globals ) and I can't test it!

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D

Message edited by TheCheeseLover - Sunday, 2009-02-08, 8:33 PM
FireeyeDate: Monday, 2009-02-09, 0:35 AM | Message # 4
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
To the struct thing, this is what i most likely do for my spells (don't have JNGP or Jass Craft installed atm, new hard drive):

library WhatEverSpell initializer Init
     struct WhatEverStruct
         //all struct variables

         //Struct array for storage
         private WhatEverStruct array GlobalStruct
         //Integer for max used Array slot
         private integer struct_init = 0
         //Callback Timer
         private timer CallbackTimer = CreateTimer()

     private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
         local WhatEverStruct dat
         local integer i = 0
         //Looping through all structs
             exitwhen i == struct_init
             //Setting global struct to local for preventing OP Limit Hit
             set dat = GlobalStruct[i]
             if DestroyStruct then
                 //Destroying struct if wanted
                 call dat.destroy()
                 //Decreasing max slot and switch structs
                 set struct_init = struct_init - 1
                 set GlobalStruct[i] = GlobalStruct[struct_init]
                 //Checking for next struct
                 set i = i + 1
         if struct_init == 0 then
             call PauseTimer(CallbackTimer)

     private function OnCast takes nothing returns nothing
         local WhatEverStruct dat = WhatEverStruct.create()
         //Spell Code
         //or whatever
         //Saving struct to global + increasing max slot
         set GlobalStruct[struct_init] = dat
         set struct_init = struct_init + 1
         if struct_init == 1 then
             call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,.03,true,function Callback)

     private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
         //Whatever init function

So what i most likely do is:
1. Create my struct when the ability is casted
2. Set all variables of the struct
3. Store the current array into the struct array @ slot struct_init
4. Start the callback timer when 1 struct is stored
5. Looping though all array slots on callback to fetch an struct
6. Doing all actions with that struct
7. Checking for destruction of struct, if it should not be destroyed i increase the lcoal integer i for next slot
If it should be destroyed i decrease the globals integer struct_init by 1 and switch the slot of the latest struct with the current destroyed
8. Repeating 6 and 7 with the help of 5
9. If no more structs are saved pausing the timer

TheCheeseLoverDate: Monday, 2009-02-09, 0:41 AM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Can you show me how to import it into a map plz? ( Because when I am making something like that, i cant it test. )

Yay I have a signature. You suck. :D
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