Currently our ideas are like this: Adrenalin abilities:
- Dash: Dash all units away who are in the way of the unit.
- Fake Puck: Shoot a fake puck will stun the guy who take it.
- Stop Time: All units of the enemy team will be stopped for a short time.
- Slow Motion: All units of the enemy team will be slide slower for a short time.
Adrenalin you get with:
- Goal
- Shoot
- Pass
Experience you get with
- Goal
- Shoot
- Pass
You can learn with your experience following abilites:
- Strength: You shoot faster.
- Stamina: You regenerate faster stamina.
- Will have 3 different difficult levels
- Break
- Penalty Kick
- Kick Off
- Regame
- Choose Unit
- Turn Adrenalin on/off
- Turn Experience on/off
- Set game time
Currently thinking about:
- A bloody game mode: There is a chance that a fight will start when a enemy attack your unit with a adrenalin ability.
- Lan Mode: What do you think should I add this gamemode again or you think the gamemode have no sense?
Now its your turn. I need your suggestion:
- What you think about the lan mode?
- Any adrenalin ability ideas?
- What you think about the bloody game mode?
- Are that enough abilites? (strength,stamina)
- Are the effects of the abilities enough? (strength,stamina)
- Are there any other moments where you could get experience or adrenalin?
Thanks for advanced!