Well today I want to show you how should a simple gui drag spell look like. The spell itself is leakfree and totally MUI.
There's the first trigger:
The second trigger (at the start this trigger should be disabled):
The third trigger (at the start this trigger should be disabled):
The fourth trigger (at the start this trigger should be disabled):
Well Ok at the first trigger I initiated the variables. After that there will be the second trigger enabled which is a loop. This loop will more the rope and prove if enemy units are around. If enemy units around it will immediately enable the third trigger which will move the victim unit to the caster. If the rope hit nothing the trigger four will be enabled. The fourth trigger is just for the eye its the effect when the rope slowly become smaller.
The variables you need are:
type / name
real array / Example_Angle
real array / Example_TempDistance
real array / Example_Speed
real array / Example_MaxDistance
unit array / Example_Caster
unit array / Example_DragUnit
integer array / Example_Mode
ligthing array / Example_GFX
location array / Example_GFXBackLoc
location array / Example_GFXLoc
integer / Example_NothingActive
integer / Example_Size
integer / Example_GetActive
integer / Example_GetActive
location / Example_Loc
location / Example_Loc2
group / Example_Group
unit / Example_TempUnit
But I just can suggest to all GUI users to learn JASS cause with JASS you can make this much more efficient. For all who just want copy paste or just want to review the map here you got:
See you guys!