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Forum moderator: Hanky, Fireeye  
Clan NgO Forums » Discussions » Junk Yard » [vJASS] Some systems ... (Some systems used in my AoS)
[vJASS] Some systems ...
FireeyeDate: Thursday, 2008-10-30, 2:33 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Well, then here are some systems i used, all written by myself, so gl & hf understanding the code.
I might write a ReadMe later but not atm.

only needed if you got no gamecache library
Available for users only

CheckLoc function
Available for users only

LightningFade library

library LF initializer Init
//* UCP Beginning (User configuration Part)                    *
           p  rivate constant real UPDATE_TIME = .02
           private constant boolean DESTROY_ON_TIME_OUT = true
           private constant boolean DEBUG_MODE = true
//* UCP Ending                    *
       private keyword LightningFade
           private timer t = CreateTimer()
           private LightningFade array gdat
           private integer current_slot = 0
       struct LightningFade
           lightning l = null
           boolean Destroy = false
           real array InitValue [4]
           real array TimeFactor [4]
           real current_time = 0.
           real end_time = 0.
           static method New takes lightning l, real time, boolean b, real r1, real g1, real b1, real a1, real r2, real g2, real b2, real a2 returns nothing
               local LightningFade d = LightningFade.create()
               if l != null then
                   set d.l = l
                   set d.Destroy = b
                   set d.InitValue[0] = r1
                   set d.InitValue[1] = g1
                   set d.InitValue[2] = b1
                   set d.InitValue[3] = a1
                   set d.TimeFactor[0] = r1-r2
                   set d.TimeFactor[1] = g1-g2
                   set d.TimeFactor[2] = b1-b2
                   set d.TimeFactor[3] = a1-a2
                   set d.end_time = time
                   set gdat[current_slot] = d
                   set current_slot = current_slot + 1
                   if DEBUG_MODE then
                       call BJDebugMsg("Current Amount of Lightnings hold: "+I2S(current_slot-1))
                   if DEBUG_MODE then
                       call BJDebugMsg("Lightning passed as null argument!")
           static method NewEX takes lightning l, real time, boolean b, real r2, real g2, real b2, real a2 returns nothing
               call LightningFade.New(l,time,b,GetLightningColorR(l),GetLightningColorG(l),GetLightningColorB(l),GetLightningColorA(l),r2,g2,b2,a2)
           e n dmethod
           method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
               if DESTROY_ON_TIME_OUT or .Destroy then
                   call DestroyLightning(.l)
                   set .l = null
       private function UpdateLightning takes nothing returns nothing
           local LightningFade d
           local integer i = 0
           local real r = 0
           local real g = 0
           local real b = 0
           local real a = 0
               exitwhen i == current_slot
               set d = gdat[i]
               set d.current_time = d.current_time + UPDATE_TIME
               if d.current_time < d.end_time then
                   set r = d.InitValue[0]+d.current_time*d.TimeFactor[0]
                   set g = d.InitValue[1]+d.current_time*d.TimeFactor[1]
                   set b = d.InitValue[2]+d.current_time*d.TimeFactor[2]
                   set a = d.InitValue[3]+d.current_time*d.TimeFactor[3]
                   if DEBUG_MODE then
                       call BJDebugMsg("Current color values of lightning |cffff0000"+I2S(i)+"|r is : |cffff0000"+I2S(R2I(r*255))+" |cff00ff00"+I2S(R2I(g*255))+" |cff0000ff"+I2S(R2I(b*255))+" |cff00000"+I2S(R2I(a*255))+"r")
                   call SetLightningColor(d.l,r,g,b,a)
                   set i = i + 1
                   call d.destroy()
                   set current_slot = current_slot - 1
                   set gdat[i] = gdat[current_slot]
       private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
           call TimerStart(t,UPDATE_TIME,true,function UpdateLightning)

Bonus Stats library (only works for heros!)

library BonusStats initializer Init requires GameCache    
           private trigger tr = null
       private struct Data
           unit hero
           boolean reset
           real array StatsTotal[3]
           real array StatsTemp[3]
           real array PartStats[3]
       public function Add takes unit u, integer whichstat, real value, boolean temp returns nothing
           local integer i = H2I(u)
           local string s = I2S(i)
           local Data dat
           if GetStoredBoolean(gc,s+"BonusStats","Exist") then
               set dat = Data(GetStoredInteger(gc,s+"BonusStats","Struct"))
               call StoreBoolean(gc,s+"BonusStats","Exist",true)
               set dat = Data.create()
               call StoreInteger(gc,s+"BonusStats","Struct",integer(dat))
           set dat.StatsTotal[whichstat] = dat.StatsTotal[whichstat] + value
           if temp then
               set dat.StatsTemp[whichstat] = dat.StatsTemp[whichstat] + value
           set dat.PartStats[whichstat] = dat.PartStats[whichstat] + value
           call BJDebugMsg(R2S(dat.PartStats[whichstat]))
           if dat.PartStats[whichstat] >= 1.00 then
               if whichstat == 0 then
                   call SetHeroStr(u,GetHeroStr(u,false)+1,true)
               elseif whichstat == 1 then
                   call SetHeroAgi(u,GetHeroAgi(u,false)+1,true)
               elseif whichstat == 2 then
                   call SetHeroInt(u,GetHeroInt(u,false)+1,true)
               set dat.PartStats[whichstat] = dat.PartStats[whichstat] - 1
       private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
           return IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true
       private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
           local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
           local integer i = H2I(u)
           local string s = I2S(i)
           local integer tmp_i = 0
           local Data dat
           if GetStoredBoolean(gc,s+"BonusStats","Exist") then
               set dat = Data(GetStoredInteger(gc,s+"BonusStats","Struct"))
               if dat.StatsTemp[0] >= 1.00 then
                   set tmp_i = R2I(dat.StatsTemp[0])
                   call SetHeroStr(u,GetHeroStr(u,false)-tmp_i,true)
                   set dat.StatsTotal[0] = dat.StatsTotal[0] - tmp_i
                   set dat.StatsTemp[0] = dat.StatsTemp[0] - tmp_i
               if dat.StatsTemp[1] >= 1.00 then
                   set tmp_i = R2I(dat.StatsTemp[1])
                   call SetHeroAgi(u,GetHeroAgi(u,false)-tmp_i,true)
                   set dat.StatsTotal[1] = dat.StatsTotal[1] - tmp_i
                   set dat.StatsTemp[1] = dat.StatsTemp[1] - tmp_i

               if dat.StatsTemp[2] >= 1.00 then
                   set tmp_i = R2I(dat.StatsTemp[2])
                   call SetHeroInt(u,GetHeroInt(u,false)-tmp_i,true)
                   set dat.StatsTotal[2] = dat.StatsTotal[2] - tmp_i
                   set dat.StatsTemp[2] = dat.StatsTemp[2] - tmp_i
               set dat.PartStats[0] = 0.
               set dat.PartStats[1] = 0.
               set dat.PartStats[2] = 0.
       private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
           local integer i = 0
           set tr = CreateTrigger()
               exitwhen i > 11
               call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tr,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH,null)
               set i = i + 1
           call TriggerAddCondition(tr,Condition(function Conditions))
           call TriggerAddAction(tr,function Actions)

Just another Knockback library (*yawn*)

library Knockback requires CheckLoc
     private keyword Data
         private timer CallbackTimer = CreateTimer()
         private Data array gdat
         private integer gi = 0
     struct Data
         unit u
         real ix
         real iy
         real vx
         real vy
         real v
         real a
         real t
         real exit
         method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
             call PauseUnit(this.u,false)
     private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
         local integer i = 0
         local real x = .0
         local real y = .0
         local real dis = .0
         local Data d
             exitwhen i >= gi
             set d = gdat[i]
             set d.t = d.t + .03
             set dis = d.t * d.v + (.5 * d.a * (d.t*d.t))
             set x = d.ix + dis * d.vx
             set y = d.iy + dis * d.vy
             if d.t > d.exit or not CheckLoc_Run(x,y) or GetWidgetLife(d.u) <= .405 then
                 call d.destroy()
                 set gi = gi - 1
                 set gdat[i] = gdat[gi]
                 call SetUnitX(d.u,x)
                 call SetUnitY(d.u,y)
                 set i = i + 1
         if gi == 0 then
             call PauseTimer(CallbackTimer)
     public function Create takes unit u, real angle, real v, real a returns nothing
         local Data d = Data.create()
         call PauseUnit(u,true)
         set d.u = u
         set d.ix = GetUnitX(u)
         set d.iy = GetUnitY(u)
         set d.vx = Cos(angle)
         set d.vy = Sin(angle)
         set d.v = v
         set d.a = a
         set d.t = 0
         set d.exit = v/(a*-1)
         set gdat[gi] = d
         set gi = gi + 1
         if gi == 1 then
             call TimerStart(CallbackTimer,0.03,true,function Callback)

FireeyeDate: Thursday, 2008-10-30, 2:34 PM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Let's see what i got else ..., ahh my Item List Library for Shops (NOT TESTED ONLINE YET!)
library ItemList
   private constant integer ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 11

  struct Items
   integer array ItemID [ITEMS_PER_PAGE]
   integer array InitialCharges [ITEMS_PER_PAGE]
   integer array MaxCharges [ITEMS_PER_PAGE]
         integer currentslot = 0
         method CheckForItem takes integer itemid returns boolean
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 if .ItemID[i] == itemid then
                     return true
                 set i = i + 1
             return false
         method AddItemTypeToList takes integer itemid, integer initamount, integer maxamount returns nothing
             if not .CheckForItem(itemid) then
                 set .ItemID[.currentslot] = itemid
                 set .InitialCharges[.currentslot] = initamount
                 set .MaxCharges[.currentslot] = maxamount
                 set .currentslot = .currentslot + 1
                 call BJDebugMsg("TRYING TO ADD AN ITEM TWICE TO AN ITEM LIST!")
         method GetIndex takes integer itemid returns integer
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 if .ItemID[i] == itemid then
                     return i
                 set i = i + 1
             return -1
         method RemoveItemFromList takes integer itemid, boolean Check returns nothing
             local integer i = 0
             if .currentslot > 0 then
                 if Check then
                     if not .CheckForItem(itemid) then
                         call BJDebugMsg("TRYING TO REMOVE AN NON-EXISTING ITEM FROM AN ITEM LIST!")
                 set i = .GetIndex(itemid)
                 set .currentslot = .currentslot - 1
                 set .ItemID[i] = .ItemID[.currentslot]
                 set .MaxCharges[i] = .MaxCharges[.currentslot]
                 set .InitialCharges[i] = .InitialCharges[.currentslot]
         method AddListToShop takes unit u returns nothing
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 call AddItemToStock(u,.ItemID[i],.InitialCharges[i],.MaxCharges[i])
                 set i = i + 1
         method AddListToShopForPlayer takes unit u, player p returns nothing
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                     call AddItemToStock(u,.ItemID[i],.InitialCharges[i],.MaxCharges[i])
                 set i = i + 1
         method RemoveListFromShop takes unit u returns nothing
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 call RemoveItemFromStock(u,.ItemID[i])
                 set i = i + 1
         method RemoveListFromShopForPlayer takes unit u, player p returns nothing
             local integer i = 0
                 exitwhen i >= .currentslot
                 if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                     call RemoveItemFromStock(u,.ItemID[i])
                 set i = i + 1

There are several other systems, but they are embed into the triggers most time, i'll look if i can extract some of em.

FireeyeDate: Monday, 2008-11-03, 2:57 PM | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Darn, just found an error in my checkloc library, update will be coming today.

And here are some description:

- GameCache
Do i really need to explain this? It's just some library with game cache in it and the H2I function.
I personally dislike the gamecache, however there are situations where it is acceptable, due it can be faster than a loop through.

- Check Loc
Just checks if the location @ Loc(x,y) is pathable or not. (forgot to change the item movement to array instead of x,y , will be changed soon)

- LightningFade
This one changes to color of your lightning from the initial, or any color you choose to the target color of n seconds.

- BonusStats
Not much to say, you just call BonusStats_Add() to add an attribute bonus to a unit, you can declare which attribute and if it should be reset on death.
The attributes are Strenght (0), Agility (1) and Intelligence (2).
You only need to call the Add function due the reset will automatically fire.

- ItemList
This one is the tricky due i didn't really test it online (it may cause desync / server split).
It basically allows you to add item raw codes and its charges to a struct array, which then can be used to allow a shop to sell different items to different players.
You call Items.create() first (don't forget to assign it to a variable) and afterwards, you call variable.AddItemTypeToList() to add up to n items to the list, when you're done adding, you use the variable.AddListToShop() or the variable.AddListToShopForPlayer() command, you can also remove items from the item list or remove an item list from a shop again.

HankyDate: Tuesday, 2008-11-04, 1:49 PM | Message # 4
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Messages: 116
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Seems to be interesting I currently just found one thing:
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
           return IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true  

make it to:
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
           return IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_HERO)

But else it could be useful. For example the knockback ;).

Made by Smoe reworked by GiR aka Darkt3mpl3r
FireeyeDate: Tuesday, 2008-11-04, 9:58 PM | Message # 5
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
IsUnitType can bug in some cases (i think it was a building comparision) therefore i prefer the == true to be on the safe side.
Can look for the actual wc3c thread.
CheckLoc will be up to date in a few minuts.

just found another error in the Knockback function, but i fixed it already and updated the first post.

HankyDate: Wednesday, 2008-11-05, 10:09 AM | Message # 6
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Messages: 116
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Ah yes I forgot about that, I read that somewhere too. But whatever good job so far ;).

Made by Smoe reworked by GiR aka Darkt3mpl3r
FireeyeDate: Wednesday, 2008-11-05, 3:39 PM | Message # 7
Group: Moderators
Messages: 16
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
I'm currently working on an updated version of the knockback which allows a positive acceleration.
e.g. you want a unit to charge a point.
It's function syntax will be propably Knockback_Create(<unit>,<angle>,<initial speed>,<acceleration>,<target speed>)
i think i gonna use the entire calculations already used, but instead of v/(a*-1) i gonna change it to (v0-v1)/(a*-1) which should work for positive acceleration too then.
I'll post when up to date.

BTW Anyone got any hero ideas?
I'm almost done with the necromancer posted by Darkt3mpl3r (but a bit changed).

HankyDate: Thursday, 2008-11-06, 1:07 AM | Message # 8
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Messages: 116
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Hmm I never got full ideas of hero themes, I just got single spell ideas. But hmm... tomorrow I got school and next day again school I think there I will have some time to think about some hero theme ideas.

Made by Smoe reworked by GiR aka Darkt3mpl3r
Clan NgO Forums » Discussions » Junk Yard » [vJASS] Some systems ... (Some systems used in my AoS)
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